On February 21st, 2025 Friday at 3 pm at Moakyang Presbyterian Church, Hot Chocolate Ministries met with Rev. Joseph Kim to talk about how to AIM High. Here are the 3 key factors he pointed out during his speech and from his life experience. He mentioned to see beyond what’s right in front of us. He said that it’s hard for young’s to see what’s in front of us. Vision are what I want to do with myself. The second is Discipline. Visions(dream) can become reality if you work for it. You have to put in the work over and over again. If you don’t, you will backtrack and lose all the progress you worked really hard for. The last thing is Good Character and integrity. Anyone can have a vision, anyone can work very hard, but not everyone can sustain. People can’t succeed if they don’t have good character. These are the things you need to AIM high and to be able to succeed.